
Ok. I have been postponing this for way too long. It’s time to get down to business and start writing and sharing my stories, photos and trips with you. Take it a step further than Instagram.

I was contemplating on what should I start with. I have a few trips and a good stack of photos to chose from, but I think I will start with a little project I’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks. It’s local, it’s Bucharest and it’s about observing what’s going on around us. In a busy city with everybody looking down at their phones, whether it’s about work, social media or hunting Pokemons, it is nice to look up once in a while. You might be surprised on what’s hiding right under your nose.

I am fascinated by street art. I have seen some amazing stuff in my trips, and I have to say that it can really transform a city. It’s usually one of the things I look forward finding when I visit a new city. Sure… Bucharest is far from let’s say Philadelphia, but you can find interesting stuff.

#Bucharest #streetart #enjoybucharest #discoverbucharest

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Bucharest #UrbanPigHunt

So while everybody is out hunting Pokemons, I set up my own little hunt… I want you to meet AEUL. This little guy seems to be hiding in plain sight all over the city. Don’t you get the feeling that once you notice something, it seems to keep popping up everywhere? So I decided to start the #urbanpighunt. Weapon of choice: phone, since it’s much easier to handle on the bike.

AEUL hiding under Pipera bridge

Could AEUL become an urban legend? The hidden symbol of the city? Who knows…

During this “hunt” I managed to gather quite a few hundred kilometers riding around town, so it turned out to be not just a fun way to discover the city, but also a good cardio work out. And I am sure there are more AEULs waiting to be discovered.

Most of the posts will be on Instaram so make sure to follow me there, or follow the tag #urbanpighunt. As soon as gather enough photos I will also set an Instagram feed on this post or on the page.

Aeul in a Christmas mood

Disclaimer: No need to worry, no animals were harmed during this “hunt”.