
If I would be in a room full of people from all around the world and I would ask: “What do you know about Romania?”, I would probably get a few confused looks (as in “…about what?”), I’d get a few “Dracula & Transylvania” and probably some would say “a country full of gypsies*“. And you know what, I would not even be surprised by these answers, to be honest, because I’ve heard them way too many times. But you know what my immediate reaction would be? “Come and see it for yourselves!”

The past couple of weeks I had the immense pleasure of spending quite some time with 40+ bloggers from around the world in “Experience Bucharest” and “Experience Romania” press trips. From The Americas to Australia, from South Africa to India and from all corners of Europe, there were a lot of countries & cultures packed in one bus. It was one of the most fun and amazing group of people that I have ever met. Some were on their first Romanian experience, some already knew what they were getting involved in.

Even from the first day of Experience Bucharest I saw some surprised reactions. And because I didn’t want to get into a “he/she said” debate,  I kindly asked them to share their impressions. And here is what they said.

@viajandocomgabi – digital nomad from Brazil & my Portuguese expressions teacher, traveled in over 75 countries

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “Dracula, cold, alcohol”

Impressions after Experience Romania: “One of my favorite countries. Sunflowers, good food, amazing landscape”

@oldkyrenian – award winning photographer EFIAP & down to earth guy, from Cyprus

Kenan does not have photos of himself on the IG account, but he has some of the most stunning pictures I have ever seen.

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “I was thinking the people were unapproachable. I do not know why, but it was what I was feeling. That’s why I did not think to recommend to anybody to go and visit Romania.”

Impressions after Experience Romania: “After I saw and felt that Romanian people were so friendly and helpful, I would recommend to everybody to visit and enjoy the natural beauties of Romania.”

@fivelittledoves – family travel blogger with a huge heart, from UK

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “Stray dogs, gypsies, theft”

Impressions after Experience Romania: “I actually feel quite annoyed that I have been lied to for so long by the media. So many people are missing out on the most beautiful country because of the lies we seen told by British media. Romania is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited and I felt so safe during my stay, something I have never experienced before especially in large cities.”

@fernwehmarkus – rarely in front of the camera, but always supporting @fernwehsarah, travel bloggers from Germany

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “Dracula, gypsies, Transylvania”

Impressions after Experience Romania: “Romania has beautiful nature and charming medieval towns that I had no idea of before. The Dracula legend is only a nice icing on the cake :)”

@all_about_rosalilla – travel blogger & awesome duo together with @mister_lavin, from Ireland

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “We would be robbed, the place is over run with stray dogs, there would be gypsy/romani families everywhere “

Impressions after Experience Romania: “I felt extremely safe, only saw one stray dog who was very friendly and only wanted some food, I loved learning about the romani culture and didn’t feel intimidated “

@brownieonthego – travel blogger from Slovenia & contestant on Masterchef

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “Lot of gypsies, very poor, dangerous.”
Impressions after Experience Romania: “I couldn’t be more wrong. People are amazing, as well as the nature and cities. Beautiful country that I can’t wait to return to.”

@patadegatotv – Youtuber, cat lover & top dancer from Mexico

Impressions of Romania coming in this experience: “I knew nothing about Romanians, just that were ex-communists.”

Impressions after Experience Romania: “Kind people, amazing country, very interesting history and stunning landscapes.”

So here you go folks, you’ve read it from people that have been traveling around this Globe for a while now, and have seen their fair share of countries. I encourage you to check out their Instagram accounts and blogs for the full stories about Romania. And while I know we are far from perfect, the other side of the stereotypes is not as harsh as one might think coming to Romania. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below, and I will do my best to answer them. Hey… and if you still don’t believe me… Come and see it for yourselves!

Enjoy it? Pin it! 🙂


*Disclaimer – I did not use the term “gypsy” to offend or be racist about any ethnic group. I simply used the term as a quote for the descriptions mentioned in the media to describe Romania. The term “gypsy” has negative connotations and should not be used. The correct term to describe this ethnic group is Romani or Rroma.
Photo credit for header: Tudor Maxim
Photo credit for pin: Cristian Macedonschi
